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Create override settings

When you created the Courier Runner skill definition in the previous section, it contained a base64-encoded TOML string in the value of content key. This TOML includes settings that can or should be overridden with settings for your Chef 360 Platform system. When Node Management runs on a node, it executes Courier Runner using values in the TOML file that are set by values stored in the Courier Runner’s default settings or the Courier Runner’s override settings.


Create override settings

Create node override settings for the Courier Runner and Gohai skills.

  1. Create a file named node-override-setting.json and paste in the following JSON:


    This JSON file creates settings for Courier Runner.

  2. Use the create-setting subcommand to create the override setting:

    chef-node-management-cli management setting create-setting --body-file node-override-setting.json

    which returns:

        "item": {
            "settingId": "<SETTING_ID>"

    Save the setting ID, you’ll use it to create a node cohort.

  3. Verify that the setting was created.

    chef-node-management-cli management setting find-one-setting --settingId <SETTING_ID>

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